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Aritco PublicLift Access is designed to provide reliable and safe access for everyone in public and commercial buildings.Practical and smart with sizes for all needs. Functional and versatile. engineered to achieve the highest standards of quality, safety and service life.

 'A' rated energy consumption 

95% recyclable materials

 Patented screw/nut technology ( Negates oil leakage) The lowest maintenance and operating costs on the market.


Practical and smart with sizes for all, with an option to personalize your lift such as glass walls, a range of various colours and different materials.


Depending on the size of the platform you can fit either a wheelchair or a wheelchair with attendent for DDA compliancy.


Trade Platform Lifts - Steel Shaft - Free Standing - Copy.jpg

Our vertical platform lift solution comes complete with its own self- supporting shaft;  fixings are not required. Installation can be achieved within a three-day period without having to make major structural changes. Can be built to accommodate narrow spaces, again with optional sizes available.


Motala 2000 has its own self-supporting shaft.

It does not require a supporting wall as all the forces are directed down to the pit.

The Control panel is integrated into the highest level door frame.


The lift is extremely reliable and
very eco friendly as it uses significantly less power than
an electric kettle, is one of the quietest lifts on the market, cost effective to operate and
maintain along with many options.

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